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The ArcifyStep is a utility step in the processing pipeline that transforms owned data into reference-counted Arc instances. This is particularly useful when the data needs to be shared across multiple components or threads without unnecessary cloning.

Key Responsibilities

  1. Convert to Arc: Converts a vector of owned items into a vector of Arc-wrapped items.
  2. Preserve Metadata: Maintains the transaction context metadata during transformation.

How It Works

  • The ArcifyStep takes a TransactionContext containing a vector of owned items.
  • Each item in the vector is wrapped in an Arc to enable efficient sharing.
  • The metadata from the original context is preserved in the output.

Example Usage

Converting Data to Arc

let mut arcify_step = ArcifyStep::new();
let input_context = TransactionContext {
    data: vec![1, 2, 3],
    metadata: TransactionMetadata {
        start_version: 0,
        end_version: 0,
        start_transaction_timestamp: None,
        end_transaction_timestamp: None,
        total_size_in_bytes: 0,
let result = arcify_step.process(input_context).await.unwrap().unwrap();
assert_eq!(*[0], 1);